DISCovery is a Consultant who uses BEHAVIOR INTELLIGENCE and DISC as foundation & methods of our training programs and consultation. Trained and consulted by a Behavior Coach, Master Trainer & Experienced Practitioners in family, career, business and life.
DISCoveryis the official accrediting body for, The Institute for Motivational Living & Peoplekeys and currently the ONLY Authorized Agent with all rights and privilegesthere unto appertaining, and is here with authorized to sell and distribute, consult and provide training and support services. DISCovery Consultant is fully accredited by IML & Peoplekeys to provide the certification program based onBEHAVIOR INTELLIGENCE and DISC in Indonesia.
DISCovery focus in ASSESSING – CONSULTING – TRAINING (ACT), ACT itself means “willingess” and “action” – this is a basic principle of Behavior Intelligence.